Farbenweg, indirekter
Fell timber
Field Geometry
Forced option, 3
Green break
Grey / G
Grey index
Hewn third
Hewn third
Hourly directional field notation, 11 January, Saguaro National Park
Hourly directional field notation, 26 August, Jaervafaeltet
Hourly directional field recordings (Massachusetts)
Hourly directional field recordings, P. Colletta, 10 May
Human Ken, 24
Humbler ground, 115
Icy laws
Index / A
Index / D
Index / J
Index / K
Index / M
Index / P
Index / R
Index / U
Index for Der Raeuber
Instance the Determination
Ithaca, 43
Jack Pine
Jersey Pine
Jolt, jolt, jolt, 268

Field Geometry

compact disc (Chicago:explain)

In the 1830s, Friedrich Froebel created a new system of early childhood education, known as Kindergarten. He developed a series of materials/activities, which were abstract (nonspecific, open-ended and symbolic), in stark contrast to the childhood toys of the time, which were intricate, detailed and realistic. Earlier in his life, while studying crystallography and forestry, he came to see the interrelatedness of all things, and made the link between nature and geometry. He created the gifts as a means by which young children would also understand, through direct experience, the underlying mathematical logic of both science and nature. This recording is made from the sound of the activities themselves, and guitar.